Due to demand, Issues 1, 2 & 3
are now available to buy as PDF Editions
"The amount of content within the magazine is staggering and I can't recommend this highly enough!"
"The research revealed in this edition is remarkable, and even just a glance through it overturns lots of preconceptions."
"It’s wonderful, and incredible - a work of art and of scrupulous investigation!"
"Jaw-dropping. In fact, I think it needs to be nominated for some awards next year - the BSFA awards at the very least!"
"The best Doctor Who magazine around, hands down!"
It's dripping with love for the old series and has a nostalgic glow emanating from every page.
or use richard @ endofthelane.co.uk
Nothing at the End of the Lane is an amateur magazine produced solely for the entertainment and enjoyment of Doctor Who fans.
Published as a 271-page PDF for the first time, the complete original storyline and script for the unmade 1968 Season 6 story, The Prison in Space.
Complete with articles covering the history of the story and the problems that faced Season 6, reviews and a full insight into the unmade second Ice Warrior story,
The Lords of the Red Planet.

Welcome to the new home of Nothing at the End of the Lane - the Magazine of Doctor Who Research and Restoration.
From its first transmission in November 1963, Doctor Who, probably more than any other programme, has charted the development and history of British television for 50 years. With a format that always puts constant demands on the ingenuity and inventiveness on all the production teams involved, the programme has often been in the forefront in the use of new techniques and technologies. From its early days in the small, cramped studios at Lime Grove through to its current home at the Roath Lock complex in Cardiff, the history of Doctor Who reflects how television as a medium has grown and developed over the past five decades.
Nothing at the End of the Lane is a magazine which focuses on the story behind and beyond the making of Doctor Who, looking not only at the programme's production but also at its subsequent distribution, archiving, marketing and so on.
The magazine prides itself on being as accurate as possible, doing so by going back to the primary sources of information - speaking directly with the people involved with the making of the programme as well as locating and researching any original production materials that have survived over the years.

Now available as a 261-page PDF for the first time, Farewell Great Macedon reproduces all six scripts from this unmade First Doctor historical story.
Complete with articles covering the history of the story, reviews and an insight into the real historical characters and events. Also included is Farhi's single episode tester,
The Fragile Yellow Arc of Fragrance.